Repairs Services
Complimentary Jewelry Cleaning & Checking
A regular wear of jewelry can make it look dull as a result of being exposed to particles such as oils, makeup products, dirt, dust, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to get the jewelry professionally cleaned and polished at regular intervals so as to keep it shiny.

Is your precious jewelry becoming dull? Want to restore its glow? Get it to Kent Island Jewelry located in Stevensville, MD. Whether it is a ring, a bracelet or any other kind of jewelry, we have experts who can provide professional jewelry cleaning and polishing services to make the jewelry look as shiny as it did when it was new. Need more info? Contact us.
Services At Kent Island Jewelry

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204 Island Plaza Court
Stevensville, MD - 21666

New Store Locations:
100 Piney Narrows Road, Suite A
Chester, MD - 21619

V: (410) 643-7766 | F: (410) 643-6715

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Monday – Friday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday: Closed